Digital Course
Are you into ancient grains, but don’t know much about Kamut? Do you want delicious, home-milled Kamut breads, but don’t know where to start?
Then my new course is for YOU.
Everyone loves hot, fresh dinner rolls straight from the oven and grandma’s pancakes that melt in your mouth. The problem is, it ain’t easy when you’re using ancient grains!

There’s a reason most people use hard red wheat for most things. It’s just plain easier. Using Kamut and other ancient grains can be super tricky.
Trust me, I know.
I’ve been there.
After spending years mastering home milling and baking, I turned my sights to Kamut. Ancient grains haven’t been hybridized, they’re sometimes easier to digest, and they’re all-out delicious!
Problem was, I couldn’t figure out how to DO it at first!
But that was then. This is now.
See, after digging in deep, I’ve discovered that Kamut can actually be quite SIMPLE! But you have to understand some basic techniques to get it right. And now, it’s actually my favorite grain!
“Your bread recipe has helped so much…I would have such terrible reactions to grain/bread products my whole life…Freshly milled grains has changed my whole world. I have never had a single symptom eating fresh milled grains…Thank you for spreading the word and your wonderful content!”
– L.C.C.
I now have several go-to recipes I use on auto-pilot to churn out amazingly soft and fluffy breads that are so light in color they almost look like they’re from store-bought flour! They’re gorgeous.
In other words, with my system, I now find everything is actually EASIER with Kamut. Tortillas are easier. Pasta is easier. Bread loaves are easier. Everything is easier and so much better tasting!
That means that, with the right techniques and know-how, you absolutely CAN unlock the secrets of this timeless, ancient grain. And I can show you how.
And that’s why I created my newest course, Ancient Grain Secrets: Milling & Baking with Kamut. This step-by-step, no-stone-left-unturned video training walks you through my entire process and introduces you to all the possibilities of Kamut
Each module is jam packed with helpful info, expert tips, and in-the-kitchen tutorials to train you in my entire process
You’ll be a Kamut expert by the end.
“I was scared to get started. You helped me just work right through it with such ease. My confidence level rose tenfold…and now I’m super excited!”
-Barb D.
My course, Ancient Grain Secrets: Milling & Baking with Kamut, is PERFECT for you if…
- You love delicious, nutritious whole-grains.
- You want the benefits of Kamut and ancient grains in your diet.
- You feel overwhelmed or don’t know where to start.
- You want to really know this ancient grain inside and out.
- You need an array of simple Kamut recipes that work every time.
- You’re ready to finally unlock the simple secrets of Kamut once and for all.
If that describes you, then welcome to my new, complete video course! Take a look at what all you’ll get:
Ancient Grain Secrets: Milling & Baking with Kamut (digital course)
1 – Introduction/Orientation
- Welcome to the premium ancient grain!
- Content roadmap/bonus details
- How to get the most out of this course
2 – All About Kamut
- Kamut vs. Khorasan
- A history of Kamut and ancient grains
- The nutritional benefits of Kamut
- Why Kamut is considered better for gluten sensitivities
- Kamut and energy
- Why mill Kamut at home
- Storing grains vs. flour
- Kamut price comparisons
- Challenges of Kamut and how to overcome
- Newbie tips
- Advanced tips for advanced bakers
3 – Equipment for Working with Kamut
- Essential tools needed
- Specialty equipment
- Helpful accessories
- Ingredients to always have on hand
4 – Essential Kamut Recipes (Step by step)
- Authentic Italian Pasta
- Real French bread
- Authentic, soft tortillas
- Dinner Rolls
- Soft & fluffy bread loaf
- Muffins
- Pancakes
- Waffles
Now, this may look like a lot of information. And if you’re like me, you may be thinking this is probably too much for me, right? I mean, how in the world can I take on a complete training course as comprehensive and in-depth as this? Can I even afford it??
I get that.
But here’s the thing. I’m a busy mama and housewife. I KNOW what it means to have a full schedule and not much cash. So, I actually designed this course with all that in mind!
Here’s what I did to make this accessible for ALL:
First, I’ve condensed everything you need to know about just one topic – Kamut – down to 4 very manageable, easy-to-absorb modules. There’s nothing in here about corn nixtamalization or advanced sourdough techniques. We’re staying laser focused to save you time.
I want anyone to be able to quickly become a Kamut expert. So, this step-by-step training is simple, easy-to-digest, and incredibly easy to follow along with. You just download the videos, hit play, and start mastering!
Second, when it comes to the price, I know you’re probably cringing, waiting for the other shoe to drop. An in-depth training course like this could EASILY command a rather high price. I’m sure there are many people who would gladly slap down a couple hundred-dollar bills for this training any day of the week!
In fact, I know of other courses like this that sell for well over $200. All day long. But y’all, that’s not what I’m all about. I want anyone and everyone to master the secrets of Kamut!
So, here’s what I want to do for you.
For a limited time, I’m going to offer this whole course at a much lower price. No, I’m not going to get rich doing this, but I’m going to be happy knowing how many people are finally mastering this ancient grain.
Because I know that once you’ve learned my techniques, you’ll be amazed at the delicious rolls, pastas, loaves, and more coming out of your kitchen – and how simple they are to make!
So, if you’re ready to snatch this up today and finally start making all the delicious things with Kamut, you can have the entire training course with all modules for just $200 $47!
Seriously. That’s it. Just 47 bucks, and it’s all yours.
I love giveaways! Sure, I could probably sell each of these individually, but it’s more blessed to give than to receive. Besides, why not just hand them over completely free as a way to say thank-you for buying my course?!
So, let’s throw all this in, too!
Here’s the list of FREE BONUSES you get along with this Kamut course:
- Audio Version for All Modules
- Complete Kamut Recipe eBook
- Checklist: Essential Equipment
- Link List: Best Kamut Distributors
- Home Milling Guide for Newbies
- 1 free month of membership in the Grainie Bunch
“This was AMAZING. I would absolutely take another class. So many questions answered!”
– Laura B.
I know how overwhelming and confusing ancient grains can be. But with the training and recipes I’ve put together, it can actually be quite simple! I’ll show you how
Again, you’re getting
√ Ancient Grain Secrets: Milling & Baking with Kamut (all 4 modules)
√ The Complete Kamut Recipe eBook
√ Free membership in the exclusive Grainie Bunch community
√ Essential checklists and other bonuses!
…all for just $47.
Now that’s a sweet deal!
Again, this price isn’t permanent. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to offer it for so little. So, do yourself and your family a big favor and get it TODAY.
And I’ll see you inside!