Make Bread 365 Challenge
Welcome to the #makebread365 challenge for 2023!
I am SO excited to have you here!
On this page you will find all your FAQs concerning the #makebread365 challenge, recipes, equipment needed, and more!
What is the Make Bread 365 Challenge?
The #makebread365 challenge was started by my friend McKenzy from Little Farm Folk .
It is a challenge for 2023 to no longer buy bread from the store – all breads you make at home yourself!
Where is the Make Bread Challenge taking place?
Most participates of the #makebread365 challenge are on Instagram, but you can still follow along whether you’re on Instagram or not!
What bread recipes will be the focus for each month?
Check out the graphic that shows what breads will be for each month!
How will Grains & Grit be participating?
Here at Grains & Grit, we ONLY use 100% freshly milled wheat! So all recipes for this year will never contain any store-bought flour.
The first Friday of every month, the recipe video for that month will be uploaded to YouTube.
To view it early, follow me on Rumble where the videos are posted on Thursdays!
And follow me on Instagram where I will be giving out extra tips and tricks throughout this challenge!

Equipment Needed
To bake bread using 100% freshly milled wheat, you will need some equipment you may not just naturally have in your kitchen.

A Grain Mill
I actually have THREE grain mills: The Wondermill (seen above), the Nutrimill Harvest, and the Wonder Junior Deluxe manual mill.
To get started you just need one. Which one? One you will USE!
Here’s a video to help you decide on a grain mill:
To view all of the best grain mills in one place, check out Pleasant Hill Grain!

Obviously if you’re milling your own wheat for bread, you need some wheat berries!
To start with: you need a hard wheat (hard red or hard white) for your yeast breads and a soft white wheat for your baked goods.
If you have these 3 grains, you will be able to make all the breads for this year.
Check this page out for places I recommend to purchase grains plus any discount codes I may have!
Want to know what grains do what? Here’s a video:

Bread Pans
Gotta have something to bake your bread in!
I LOVE USA Pans. They are truly non-stick but not in a toxic way.
I have both their regular bread pans and the Pullman pan (what gives you a stereotypical rectangle sandwich bread).
Extra Equipment
These are the nice-to-haves. You can bake excellent bread from freshly milled wheat without these items, but these REALLY make it more convenient!

A Great Mixer
A typical Kitchen Aid mixer just isn’t going to cut it for a long time with freshly milled wheat. The motor isn’t very powerful (bubt if you have one, use it)!
I have the Bosch Universal Mixer and I LOVE IT. The powerful motor and dough hook makes kneading bread a breeze! Plus the large capacity easily allows me to knead bread enough for my big brood.
As the year progresses, the bread recipes will be posted here as well as on the Recipe page.

(Not my recipe, but one I recommend)